New dual lobe phase function parameters in the volume shader make it easier to render realistic clouds, and new modes for controlling the scaling of the emission can improve the look of emissive volumes. You can access the interface by clicking on the MSPlugin shelf button.MtoA 5.2.0 for Arnold 7.1.3 which provides improved volume rendering, improvements to the USD procedural and the Hydra Render Delegate, as well as an improved viewport experience. When checked, this checkbox will automatically apply imported surfaces on the selected object(s) in the scene. The plugin has a minimal interface, only exposing the option of Apply Material to Selection. The plugin will automatically detect the render engine from your Maya render settings and set up your assets accordingly.

In Maya, Bridge will create a quixel.mod file at the following location (based on your OS) that references the plugin from your library: Start up Maya and you should see a Megascans shelf button there confirming that the plugin was installed successfully.

Once the plugin is installed you should see the Installed status on the pop-up.Click Install Plugin to install the plugin in Maya.Once the download is done you’ll see a confirmation message in Bridge. Click Download Plugin to begin downloading the plugin.From the Export Target drop-down, select Maya.If you don’t already have a folder for this purpose, Bridge will create it for you. The Library Path is important because this is where Bridge will store your assets and plugins. Click the Library Path to choose the folder on disk where you would like your asset library to be.

When you launch Bridge after installing it for the first time on your machine, you will see initial setup options.❗ Note: Make sure Maya is closed before installing.